Publication writing course
This course is designed to help the participants improve their skills in writing scientific manuscripts for publication in the musculoskeletal field.
Surgeons and researchers share their expertise and experience gained from writing, editing, and submitting manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals.
Goal of the course
The goal of the AOPEER Publication Writing course is to give an overview of the different types of manuscripts, including their structure and present the reporting guidelines. This course also offers an insight into ethical guidelines, authorship, and how to deal with rejections.
Target participants
This course is targeted at individuals who are publishing a paper or studying for a PhD or need to mentor/supervise students, PhD candidates, or residents in their publication efforts.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Differentiate between case reports, scientific manuscripts, and systematic reviews
- Write a manuscript by applying the relevant reporting guidelines and following the correct manuscript structure
- Apply the most important ethical guidelines in publishing
- Deal with authorship
- Deal with a manuscript rejection
If you are interested in learning more about the course agenda and upcoming courses in your region, please contact us.