AO Recon Course—Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
The starting point for newly certified orthopedic surgeons and junior orthopedic surgical trainees. A world-class curriculum course developed by renowned surgeons.
Foundational Course in Primary Arthroplasty: Essential Training for Newly Certified Orthopedic Surgeons and Trainees
Embark on your journey of lifelong learning in joint arthroplasty with our comprehensive course. Designed as the initial step along the path of lifelong learning, this program teaches fundamental principles and current concepts in the treatment of patients requiring primary arthroplasty in the hip and knee. With a patient-centered approach, our course focuses on the key principles of primary arthroplasty, providing essential knowledge for newly certified orthopedic surgeons and advanced orthopedic surgical trainees.
Why you should choose this course
Top national, regional, and international faculty
For surgeons who already treat total hip and knee arthroplasty
Network with expert faculty and peers from all over the world
CME credits, you get a certificate of completion
Developed by renowned surgeons and delivered by the world's most important orthopedic organization
Course content
Course modules
- Module 1—Perioperative Management of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
- Module 2—Performing Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Module 3—Performing Total Knee Arthroplasty
Practical excercises
- Optimizing the patient journey
- Preventing infection in joint replacement
- Key steps in planning THA
- Overview of surgical approaches for THA
- Cemented fixation
- Cementless fixation of the cup and the stemoaches for THA
- Bearing choice in THA
- Intraoperative challenges and complications
- Preventing dislocation in THA
- Key steps in TKA and overview of surgical approaches for TKA
- Limb alignment and kinematics
- The role of the PCL in TKA
- Bone cuts in TKA
- Balancing the varus knee and fixed flexion contracture
- Balancing the valgus knee
- Patellofemoral resurfacing and tracking
- Fixation options in knee replacement
Skills Lab
- Templating a THA
- Reaming the acetabulum and inserting a cup
- Preparing the femur and inserting a stem
- Safe zones for screw insertion
- Meet the Experts
- Planning a TKA
- Alignment for a tibial cut
- Performing a tibial cut
- Cementing
Small Group discussions
- Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: assessment and decision
- Total hip arthroplasty―surgical approaches, preventing dislocation, and fixation
- Total hip arthroplasty―intraoperative challenges and complications
- How to do a TKR―valgus, varus, kinematic alignment
- Total knee arthroplasty―intraoperative challenges and complications
Course details may be subject to change. Please check your chosen date and location for the detailed program.