AO Trauma Hand North America
The AO Trauma Hand NA community consists of diverse, yet like-minded, individuals involved in the care of patients with dysfunctional or injured hands and upper limbs. Their faculty is extremely comprehensive and includes orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, and hand therapists—it is their motivation, zeal, and unbridled passion for adult education that is our greatest strength.
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"The AO Trauma Hand NA community is passionate about education and helping adult learners around the world, whether they’re students, trainees, surgeons and surgical team members, or therapists. The enthusiasm and dedication of our community extends nationally and internationally. Our educational offerings include traditional cadaver and non-cadaver venues with case-based interactive lectures as well as web-based learning accessible anywhere. These opportunities are aimed at advancing the knowledge and science of our profession and helping us provide the best possible care for our patients."
Marco Rizzo, MD
Chair, AO Trauma Hand NA Education Committee